Installation and configuration
WARNING: Before completing the following tasks, review the safety instructions that came with
the system.
NOTE: The system is intended for restricted access location.
Installation safety precautions
When mounting an enclosure in a rack, you must follow the safety requirements listed here.
• The rack construction must be capable of supporting the total weight of the installed enclosure(s) and
the design must incorporate stabilizing features suitable to prevent the rack tipping, or being pushed
over during installation or in normal use.
• When loading a rack with enclosures, load the enclosures into the rack from bottom and remove the
enclosures from the top.
• To avoid danger of a rack toppling over, do not slide more than one enclosure out of the rack at a
• The system must be operated with low pressure rear exhaust installation [back pressure created by
rack doors and obstacles not to exceed 5 Pascals (0.5 mm water gauge)].
• The rack design must consider the maximum operating ambient temperature for the unit, which is
• The rack must have a safe electrical distribution system. It must provide over-current protection for
the unit and must not be overloaded by the total number of units installed in the rack. When resolving
these issues, consider the electrical power consumption rating displayed on the name plate.
• The electrical distribution system must provide a reliable ground for each unit in the rack.