Ifthe water isn't too hard,you mayalsoprevent the formation of deposits byaddingdetergent.
For thedosage of detergent , please refer to the "Detergent"("sectionentitle wash cycletable")
The dispensermustbe refilled beforethe start ofeach wash cyclefollowingthe instructions provided in the" Wash Cycle
Table".Your dishwashers than conventional dishwashers. Generally, only one tablespoon of
detergentis needed for anormalwashload. Also,more heavily soiled items need more detergent. Always add thedetergent just
before startingdishwasher,otherwiseitcould get damp and will not dissolve properly.
Toremove hardwaterspots, try the following:
Rundishes througha normal wash program.
Removeall metaldishware, suchas cutlery, pans,etc.,
from the dishwasher.
Do not adddetergent.
Pour two cups of vinegar into a bowl andset the bowl face
up on the lower rack of thedishwasher.
Runthedishes through a normal washprogram.
If this doesn't work, try the same process with 1 / 4 cup of
citric acidcrystals instead of vinegar.
Dishwasher detergent is corrosive! Take care to keep it out
of reach of children.
Use only detergent specificallymadeforuse indishwashers.
Keep your detergent fresh and dry. Don't put powder detergent
into thedispenser until You're ready to wash dishes.
for pre-wash
for main wash
Followthe detergent manufacture'srecommendation