Chapter 5 Parameters|VFD-S Series
Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 5-7
Pr. Explanation Settings
5-02 3rd Step Speed Freq. d0.0 to d400 Hz d0.0
5-03 4th Step Speed Freq. d0.0 to d400 Hz d0.0
5-04 5th Step Speed Freq. d0.0 to d400 Hz d0.0
5-05 6th Step Speed Freq. d0.0 to d400 Hz d0.0
5-06 7th Step Speed Freq. d0.0 to d400 Hz d0.0
5-07 PLC Mode
d0: Disable PLC Operation
d1: Execute one program cycle
d2: Continuously execute program
d3: Execute one program cycle step
by step
d4: Continuously execute one
program cycle step by step
d5: Disable PLC operation, but can
set direction of 1st speed to 7th
5-08 PLC Forward/ Reverse Motion d0 to d255 (0: FWD 1: REV) d0
5-09 Time Duration of Zero Step Speed d0 to d65500 Sec d0
5-10 Time Duration of 1st Step Speed d0 to d65500 Sec d0
5-11 Time Duration of 2nd Step Speed d0 to d65500 Sec d0
5-12 Time Duration of 3rd Step Speed d0 to d65500 Sec d0
5-13 Time Duration of 4th Step Speed d0 to d65500 Sec d0
5-14 Time Duration of 5th Step Speed d0 to d65500 Sec d0
5-15 Time Duration of 6th Step Speed d0 to d65500 Sec d0
5-16 Time Duration of 7th Step Speed d0 to d65500 Sec d0
Group 6 Protection Parameters
Pr. Explanation Settings
6-00 Over-Voltage Stall Prevention
d0: Disable
d1: Enable
115V/230V series: d350 to d410V d390
Over-Voltage Stall Prevention Level
460V series: d700 to d820V d780
6-02 Over-Current Stall Prevention Level d20 to d150% d130
d0: Disabled
d1: Enabled during constant speed
operation. After the over-torque
is detected, keep running until
OL1 or OL occurs.
d2: Enabled during constant speed
operation. After the over-torque
is detected, stop running.
d3: Enabled during running and
continues before Continuous
Output Time Limit (Pr.6-05) is
6-03 Over-Torque Detection Mode
d4: Enabled during running. After
the over-torque is detected, stop
6-04 Over-Torque Detection Level d30 to d200% d150