2.1 BHT-6000 System Configuration
The BHT-6000 barcode data collection system requires the following hardware as well
as the BHT-6000 Bar Code Handy Terminal (which reads bar codes and accepts keypad
entry) as illustrated below:
• Host computer: Allows you to edit, manage and download programs and
data, as well as downloading extension programs.
For host computers without IrDA interface ports, the optional CU-6000 optical commu-
nications unit and RS-232C interface cable are available.
• CU-6000 (option): Exchanges programs and data with the BHT-6000 optically
and with the host computer via the RS-232C interface.
• RS-232C interface cable: Connects the CU-6000 and the host computer.
The basic software required for operating the BHT-6000 is "System Mode" which is
resident in the flash ROM.
Optional software includes the BHT-BASIC 3.0 Extension Library, BHT-BASIC 3.0 Com-
piler, Ir-Transfer Utility C, and Transfer Utility. (Each software is provided in a floppy
System Configuration
■ Host Computer
OS: MS-DOS Ver. 3.1 or later
RAM: 640 kilobytes. At least 400-kilobyte area should be reserved as a work
Models: IBM PC/AT, PS/2
Host Computer
CU-6000 (option)
RS-232C Interface
Optical Communications
BHT-BASIC 3.0 Extension
Library (option)
BHT-BASIC 3.0 Compiler
Ir-Transfer Utility C
Transfer Utility (option)