
[ 2 ] Control Characters
The control characters are classified into two groups: transmission control characters
and text control characters.
(1) Transmission control characters
The transmission control characters listed below are used to compose transmission
control sequences in phases 1 through 3.
Symbol Value Meaning Function
DLE EOT 1004h End Of Transmission Releases a data link (Phase 3).
Requests abort of transmission
(Phase 2).
DLE ENQ 1005h Enquiry Requests establishment of a data link
(Phase 1).
Prompts the receiver to respond to
the sent text (Phase 2).
DLE ACK 1006h Acknowledge Acknowledgment response to DLE
ENQ (Phase 1).
Acknowledgment response to text
(Phase 2).
Acknowledgment response to DLE
EOT (Phase 3).
DLE NAK 1015h Negative Acknowledge Negative acknowledgment response
to DLE ENQ (Phase 1).
Negative acknowledgment response
to text (Phase 2).
WACK 103Bh Wait for Acknowledge Requests suspension of data recep-
tion during erasure of the flash
The BHT-7000 uses the transparent mode which allows the control characters and
codes (e.g., STX, ETX, SOH, and DLE) to be transmitted as normal data in the
transmission texts.
To transmit a DLE as normal data, type DLE DLE per DLE.