Host Computer
CU-7000 (option)
RS-232C Interface
Optical Communications
BHT-BASIC Compiler (option)
Ir-Transfer Utility C (option)
Ir-Transfer Utility E (option)
Transfer Utility (option)
2.1 BHT System Configuration
The BHT barcode data collection system requires the following hardware as well as the
BHT Bar Code Handy Terminal (which reads bar codes and accepts keypad entry),
depending upon the intended system configuration.
● Host computer: Allows you to edit, manage and download pro-
grams and data, as well as downloading sys-
tem programs.
For host computers having no IrDA interface ports, the optional CU-7000 optical
communications unit and RS-232C interface cable are available.
● CU-7000 (option): Exchanges programs and data with the BHT via
the IrDA interface and with the host computer
via the RS-232C interface.
● RS-232C interface cable (option): Connects the CU-7000 and the host computer.
Direct cable connection between the BHT and host computer is also possible.
Optional software includes the BHT-BASIC Extension Library, BHT-BASIC Compiler, Ir-
Transfer Utility C, Ir-Transfer Utility E, and Transfer Utility.
System Configuration
IR communications system