Do not use heavy fuels such as No. 2 fuel oil or No. 2 diesel. Using heavy fuels
will result in:
• clogged fuel filter and nozzle
• carbon build-up on spark plug
• the need of non-toxic anti-icer in fuel during very cold weather
Use a KEROSENE ONLY storage container. Be sure storage
container is clean. Foreign matter such as rust, dirt, or water will cause burner
control to shut down heater. Foreign matter may also require fuel system to be
cleaned frequently.
Use only kerosene or No. 1 fuel oil to avoid risk of fire or
explosion. Never use gasoline, naphtha, paint thinners, alcohol,
or other highly flammable fuels.
Follow the minimum fresh, outside air ventilation requirements.
If proper fresh, outside air ventilation is not provided, carbon
monoxide poisoning can occur. Provide proper fresh, outside air
ventilation before running heater.
Fresh Air Opening Requirements
Square Square
Heater Size Feet Opening Centimeter Opening
340,000 Btu/Hr 10.5 9755
If you use more than one heater, provide extra fresh air. Provide a fresh air
opening of at least three square feet (2800 square cm) for each 100,000 Btu/Hr