To determine safest and most efcient location
for replace, you must take into consideration
the following guidelines:
1. Location must allow for proper clearances
(see Figures 1 and 2).
2. Consider a location where replace will
not be affected by drafts, air conditioning
ducts, windows or doors.
3. A location that avoids cutting of joists or
roof rafters will make installation easier.
4. An outside air kit is available with this
replace (see Optional Outside Air Kit on
page 7).
Back and sides of replace 3/4" minimum*
Floor** 0" minimum
Perpendicular wall to opening 14" minimum
Top spacers 0" minimum
Mantel clearances see Mantels, page 6
Chimney outer pipe surface 1" minimum
* Not required at nailing anges
** See step 2 of Framing
quired air spaces with insulation
or other materials.
Minimum height of chimney, measured from
base of replace to ue gas outlet of termina-
tion, is 11.5 feet for straight ue or a ue with
one elbow set. Maximum distance between
elbows is 2 feet. For systems with two elbow
sets, minimum height is 22 feet. Maximum
height of any system is 50 feet. This measure-
ment includes replace, chimney sections and
height of termination assembly at level of ue
gas outlet (see Figure 18, page 11).
1. Frame opening for replace using dimen-
sions shown in Figures 1 and 2.
2. If replace is to be installed directly on
carpeting, tile (other than ceramic) or any
combustible material other than wood
ooring, replace must be installed upon
a metal or wood panel extending full width
and depth of replace.
Figure 1 - Framing Dimensions
Maintain 3/4"
Clearance at
Sides and
Back of
3/4" Clearance Not
Required at Nailing Flanges
Figure 2 - Corner Installation
3. Set replace directly in front of this open-
ing and slide unit back until nailing anges
touch side framing.
4. Check level of replace and shim with
sheet metal if necessary.
5. Before securing fireplace to prepared
framing, ember protector must be placed
between hearth extension (not included)
and under bottom front edge of replace
to protect against glowing embers falling
through. If replace is to be installed on
a raised platform, a Z-type ember protec-
tor (not included) must be fabricated to
t your required platform height. Ember
protector should extend under replace a
minimum of 1
". Ember protector should
be made of galvanized sheet metal (28
gauge minimum) to prevent corrosion.
6. Using screws or nails, secure replace to
framing through anges located on sides
of replace.