116412-01B 27
For all models. Helps deect heat away from
mantel or wall above replace. Fits openings 28"
to 48" wide.
For all models. Allows the gas log heater to be
turned on and off by using a hand-held remote con-
trol. A wall-mount docking station is included.
For all models. The desired comfort setting can
be selected on the wall thermostat and the log
heater will automatically cycle from pilot to the
heat setting selected.
For all models. Allows the gas log heater to be
turned on and off with a wall switch.
Available in 32", 36" and 42" models. Circu-
lating reboxes feature louvers and an optional
blower. Non-circulating, smooth face models are
ideal for custom trim applications such as stone
or marble.
For all models.
For all models.
For all models. Permanently opens chimney ue
damper for vented operation.
For all models. Order when additional rock is
desired. (1.8 lb. bag)
For all models. Your vent-free gas appliance re-
quires regular cleaning and maintenance to prevent
performance problems. This kit gives you the tools
and instructions to make it easy to clean all critical
areas of your appliance.
For all models. A care and maintenance video is
available by calling 1-866-672-6040.
For all models. This kit is used to blend the edge of
the burner to the replace oor for a more natural
appearance. It includes embers, lava rock and nine
ber log pieces.
For all models. This kit is used as an addition
to or instead of the Floor Media Kit FM100. It
includes 6 ber log chunks to be placed on the
replace oor in front of the controls for a more
natural appearance.
For all models. Allows the gas log heater to be oper-
ated in a manually or thermostatically controlled mode.
You can turn the gas log heater on and off without ever
leaving the comfort of your easy chair. A wall-mount
docking station is included.