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1. Register online at www.reverberray.com/warranty
2. Complete the information above and fax to Detroit Radiant Products Co.
3. Complete the information above and mail to Detroit Radiant Products Co.
Printed in U.S.A.
© 2005 Detroit Radiant Products Co.
21400 Hoover Rd., Warren, MI 48089
T. (586) 756-0950 F. (586) 756-2626
Form# LIOAG2-2M-9/05 (ID)
Replaces Form# LIOAG2-1M-03/01
AG2 Series
Project: _______________________________ Date: ____________________
Customer Name: __________________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: __________ Zip: _____________
Contractor: _______________________________________________________
Engineer: ________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: _________ Zip: _____________
Serial #: _______________________________ Phone#: __________________
Local Representative: _______________________________________________
Date of Installation: ________________________________________________
Notes: __________________________________________________________
** Model requires 5EA-SUB accessory package.
• AGAO-SS - Upgrade burner box from coated steel to 304 Series Stainless.
• ALUM-AO - Upgrade hot rolled steel radiant tubes to black coated 16ga. aluminized steel for maximum efficiency and longevity.
Highly recommended in any contaminated or moisture laden environment (ex. poultry applications). See chart above for quantity needed.
*For complete installation instructions, see the General Manual that accompanied this piece.
Additional literature on this and other products are available at www.detroitradiant.com.
AG2 Series V.5/05 - 4” Tube Heater Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual*
WARNING: This heater must be installed and serviced by trained gas installation and service personnel only!
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property damage, injury or death.
Read the installation, operating and maintenance instructions thoroughly before installing or servicing this equipment.
Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Retain instructions for future reference.
Model V.5/05
Swine Arena Dairy Poultry
AG2-20-65 N or LP 65,000 50,000 No Yes No Yes Yes 21'-7" 13'-0" 120# - 2 6' - 9' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 1
AG2-20-75 N or LP 75,000 50,000 No Yes Yes Yes Yes 21'-7" 13'-0" 120# - 2 7' - 10' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 1 5
AG2-30-65 N or LP 65,000 50,000 No Yes No Yes Yes 31'-3" **17'-8" 160# - 2 6' - 9' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 2 5
AG2-30-75 N or LP 75,000 50,000 No Yes Yes Yes Yes 31'-3" **17'-8" 160# - 2 7' - 10' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 2 5
AG2-30-100 N or LP 100,000 65,000 No Yes Yes Yes Yes 31'-3" **17'-8" 160# - 2 8' - 14' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 2 6
AG2-40-65 N or LP 65,000 50,000 No Yes No Yes Yes 40'-11" 22'-8" 190# - 2 6' - 9' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 3 5
AG2-40-75 N or LP 75,000 50,000 No Yes Yes Yes Yes 40'-11" 22'-8" 190# - 2 7' - 10' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 3 5
AG2-40-100 N or LP 100,000 65,000 No Yes Yes Yes Yes 40'-11" 22'-8" 190# - 2 7' - 11' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 3 5
AG2-40-125 N or LP 125,000 95,000 No Yes Yes Yes Yes 40'-11" 22'-8" 190# - 2 9' - 14' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 3 5
AG2-40-150 N or LP 150,000 100,000 No Yes Yes No Yes 40'-11" 22'-8" 190# - 2 10' - 14' Titanium 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 3 5
AG2-50-100 N or LP 100,000 65,000 No Yes No Yes Yes 50'-7" **27'-4" 235# - 2 8' - 11' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 4 5
AG2-50-125 N or LP 125,000 95,000 No Yes Yes Yes Yes 50'-7" **27'-4" 235# - 2 9' - 14' Aluminized 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 4 5
AG2-50-150 N or LP 150,000 100,000 No Yes Yes No Yes 50'-7" **27'-4" 235# - 2 10' - 14' Titanium 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 4 5
AG2-60-150 N or LP 150,000 100,000 No Yes Yes No Yes 60'-3" 32'-4" 270# - 3 10' - 14' Titanium 4" Hot Rolled Qty. 5 5
Low Fire
Emitter Tube
Add On
Weight -
LengthQty. Model #
Gas Type
(circle one)
High Fire
VTable of Contents
Models 1
Warnings 2
Clearances to Combustibles 2
Product Summary 3
Product Instructions 3
Heater Requirements 4
Theory of Operation 4
Wiring Diagrams 5-7
Flowchart 8-9
Parts Listing 10-11
Series Kit Contents 12