38 Jackrabbit (BL1800)
Dynamic C has a number of standard features:
• Full-feature source and/or assembly-level debugger, no in-circuit emulator required.
• Royalty-free TCP/IP stack with source code and most common protocols.
• Hundreds of functions in source-code libraries and sample programs:
X Exceptionally fast support for floating-point arithmetic and transcendental functions.
X RS-232 and RS-485 serial communication.
X Analog and digital I/O drivers.
C, SPI, GPS, file system.
X LCD display and keypad drivers.
• Powerful language extensions for cooperative or preemptive multitasking
• Loader utility program to load binary images into Rabbit-based targets in the absence
of Dynamic C.
• Provision for customers to create their own source code libraries and augment on-line
help by creating “function description” block comments using a special format for
library functions.
• Standard debugging features:
X Breakpoints—Set breakpoints that can disable interrupts.
X Single-stepping—Step into or over functions at a source or machine code level, µC/OS-II aware.
X Code disassembly—The disassembly window displays addresses, opcodes, mnemonics, and
machine cycle times. Switch between debugging at machine-code level and source-code level by
simply opening or closing the disassembly window.
X Watch expressions—Watch expressions are compiled when defined, so complex expressions
including function calls may be placed into watch expressions. Watch expressions can be updated
with or without stopping program execution.
X Register window—All processor registers and flags are displayed. The contents of general registers
may be modified in the window by the user.
X Stack window—shows the contents of the top of the stack.
X Hex memory dump—displays the contents of memory at any address.
X STDIO window—
printf outputs to this window and keyboard input on the host PC can be
detected for debugging purposes.
printf output may also be sent to a serial port or file.