Section Four - Utilities
The Utility section of the RP21D is where you will find general assignments that affect the Outputs, Cabinet Emulator, MIDI Functions, Pedal
Board Settings, Bank Naming, Factory Reset, and Pedal Calibration menus. To access the utility functions, press the utility button once. Then
use the Next or Previous Page buttons to select the Utility menu that you wish to access. The Utility pages are as follows:
Output Mode
You can output the signal of your RP21D as either a Stereo or Mono signal.
1. Press the Utility button and then press either the Next or Previous Page buttons until you reach page 1 of the Utilities. The display reads:
2. Pressing the number two button will access the Output parameter. You can then turn the Data Wheel to set your RP21D’s output to either a
Stereo or Mono signal.
Cabinet Emulation
The Cabinet Emulator in the RP21D offers you two different choices: Local and Global. The Global setting will engage the Cabinet Emulator
on all Programs. Each Program can have a different Cabinet Emulator which is assigned on page two of the Master Mix parameters. The
Local setting will engage the cabinet emulator on individual Programs. The thing to consider when selecting between global or local mode is
whether or not you want all of your sounds affected by this change. A good time to use Global mode is when you’re frequently playing in
different venus (because each room always sounds different).
The procedure for selecting either the Local or Global Cabinet emulation is as follows:
1. Press the Utility button and then press either Next or Previous Page button until you reach page 2 of the Utilities. The display reads:
2. Access the Cabinet Emulator parameter by pressing the number four button. You can then rotate the Data Wheel to set the Cabinet
Emulator to either Local On or Global On mode, or Global Off.
MIDI Channels
This option sets the MIDI Channel that the RP21D will respond to. This page sets the receive and transmit MIDI channels. The RP21D is
capable of sending and receiving MIDI Program change and CC commands. MIDI channel settings include: Off, 1, through 16, and All.
To change the MIDI channel assignment, do the following:
1. Press the Utility button once. Use the Next or Previous Page buttons until you reach page 3 and the display reads: