Finding Firmware Version
It is possible to determine the firmware version in the receiver. This information is necessary to complete
troubleshooting diagnostics with DCI Customer Service by telephone. At start-up the firmware version is
displayed briefly in the top left window. If you do not see the firmware version, it is likely that you have an
older receiver. If this is the case, to see the firmware version, you must remove and replace the battery in
the receiver and then simply hold in the trigger during start-up instead of clicking it, as you would normally
do to turn on the receiver. The firmware version will display in the top left window as long as you have
the trigger held in. Do not hold in the trigger for more than 12 seconds, however, or you will change the
receiver depth measurement units (see “Changing the Depth Measurement Units” earlier in this section).
Note that the firmware version will not display the decimal point; therefore, a display of 507 corresponds
to firmware version 5.07.
NOTE: Receivers with firmware version 3.77 and above are DataLog capable.
5.0 Series Firmware Functions
Receivers that have 5.0 series or later firmware will display information differently than pre-5.0 series
receivers when the trigger is held in. This firmware is designed to:
¾ Predict the depth of the transmitter while the receiver is positioned at the FNLP.
¾ Display the receiver’s rechargeable battery status in percent and voltage remaining (see “On/Off” in-
structions earlier in this section).
¾ Turn off the receiver by clicking the trigger in a prescribed sequence instead of removing the battery
(see “On/Off” instructions earlier in this section).
¾ Provide the operator with 3 confirmation beeps after successfully completing the Mark III self-test. If
an error is detected 2 long tones will emit and the error code will display in the top left window. (For
more information, see “Self-Test for Mark III Receivers” in the Operational Tests Section.)
¾ Provide a running time meter on the operating hours of the receiver.
Predicted Depth Key Points
¾ The 5.0 series firmware provides a predicted depth for the transmitter when it reaches the FNLP.
¾ The predicted depth is only valid when the operator is standing at the FNLP.
¾ The predicted depth is never taken at the rear negative locate point (RNLP).
¾ The predicted depth assumes no substantial change in pitch between the time of the prediction and
the time that the transmitter reaches the FNLP.
¾ The predicted depth number will flash quickly (bottom window) to distinguish it from the depth, which
appears as a solid (not flashing) number.
¾ A solidly illuminated squiggle (“~”) will appear in the bottom window to further distinguish the pre-
dicted depth.
¾ The original slant distance or depth can still be viewed simply by releasing the trigger.
¾ Pitch updates must occur in order for the predicted depth to be accurate.
¾ If there is no current pitch, the depth display will not show the predicted depth but instead will show a
squiggle when the trigger is held in.
Mark III Operator’s Manual 17