
Configuration > Tools > Applications (Continued)
Weekly schedule:
Sunday through Saturday - Select the weekdays that should perform the
following operations:
Snapshots begin at -
Snapshots stop at - Sets the time to stop the operations.
Event operation
Delay second(s) before
detecting next event - Sets the time delay before restarting to check the
trigger condition when the current condition is
Take snapshots at second(s)
after event - After a snapshot is taken because of a trigger,
another snapshot will be taken after the configured
time in seconds.
Trigger condition - There are 4 conditions related to the digital input
and three windows for motion detection. There
can be multiple selections. Select the appropriate
digital input condition according to the
characteristics of the external device. “High”, “low”
indicate external voltage input for level trigger,
while “rising”, “falling” is for edge trigger. There
are three windows shown for the name you
defined for motion detection. “Undefined” will
show instead of the window title if motion detection
is not setup yet.
Reset output - Check and save this option to reset the external
device at the digital output back to the original
Using the DCS-5300 with an Internet browser
Set the time to start operations. Setting the begin
time the same as the stop time will force the
operations to run continuously.