6D-Link DCS-7010L User Manual
Section 1: Product Overview
Congratulations on your purchase of the DCS-7010L HD Mini Bullet Outdoor Network Camera. The DCS-7010L is a versatile
and unique solution for your small oce or home. Unlike a standard webcam, the DCS-7010L is a complete system with a
built-in CPU and web server that transmits high quality video images for security and outdoor surveillance. The DCS-7010L
can be accessed remotely, and controlled from any PC/Notebook over your local network or through the Internet via a web
browser. The simple installation and intuitive web-based interface oer easy integration with your Ethernet/Fast Ethernet
network. The DCS-7010L weatherproof housing and Power over Ethernet make it an ideal solution for a complete and cost-
eective surveillance solution with an easy clutter-free installation. The remote monitoring, infrared, motion detection and
event notications features enable you be truly responsive to your surveillance deployment.
• ComputerwithMicrosoftWindows®7,Vista®,orXP(forCD-ROMSetupWizard),MacOSorLinux
• PCwith1.3GHzorabove;atleast128MBRAM
• InternetExplorer7orabove,Firefox3.5orabove,Safari4andChrome8.0orabove
• Existing10/100Ethernet-basednetwork
• AMicroSDmemorycard(optional)isrequiredforrecordingtoonboardstorage.SDHCClass6oraboveisrecommended.
• BroadbandInternetconnection
System Requirements