
SR Series EQ’s
DOD graphic equalizers can be used wherever modification of the frequency
contour of a sound or sound system is needed. A graphic equalizer offers a
solution to many common sound problems, both large and small. Also,creative
experimentation on the part of the user can produce some nice results.
By routing the signal from the mixer to the SR Equalizer, and then to the main
power amplifiers (or crossover), the overall frequency of the mix can be altered
to do a number of things.
A. Using a real time audio spectrum analyzer (such as DOD's SR Series RTA),a
calibrated microphone, and a pink noise generator, the audio system can be
tuned to make the overall audio spectrum response of the sound system and the
room environment equal in frequency response.
B. Greater gain-before-feedback characteristics can be achieved by turning up
the sound system to the feedback point and attenuating the oscillating (ringing)
frequency. 1/3rd octave resolution is best for this application. Turn the system
up to feedback again and attenuate the second oscillating frequency.Repeat the
process again for the third oscillating frequency.
C. Protection of amplifiers and speakers can be accomplished using the LOW
CUT feature of the equalizer. Wind noise or sub sonic frequencies can cause
damage to the amps and/or speakers. However,by rolling off the extreme low
frequencies, a measure of protection is added to the system without severely
affecting the overall sound quality.
D. In noisy environments, the audio signal can be tailored for better intelligibil-
ity and penetration. This is particularly useful for paging systems.
E. Creative use of the equalizer allows shaping of the signal for a more pleasing
sound or for special effects. The only limits are those of taste and imagination.