The traction control system comes on each time the
ignition switch is turned ON. This will occur even if
you used the button to turn the system OFF.
The Traction Control system will make buzzing or
clicking sounds when in operation.
BAS is standard on vehicles equipped with electronic
stability program (ESP). The BAS is designed to optimize
the vehicle’s braking capability during emergency brak-
ing maneuvers. The system applies optimum pressure to
the brakes in emergency braking conditions than might
otherwise be afforded solely by the driver’s braking style.
This can help reduce braking distances. The BAS comple-
ments the antilock brake system (ABS). Applying the
brakes very quickly results in maximum BAS assistance.
To receive the benefit of the system, you must apply
continuous braking power during the stopping sequence.
Do not reduce brake pedal pressure.
BAS cannot prevent the natural laws of physics from
acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase braking
efficiency beyond that afforded by the condition of
the vehicle brakes and tires or the traction afforded.
The BAS cannot prevent accidents, including those
resulting from excessive speed in turns, following
another vehicle too closely, or hydroplaning. Only a
safe, attentive, and skillful driver can prevent acci-
dents. The capabilities of a BAS-equipped vehicle
must never be exploited in a reckless or dangerous
manner which could jeopardize the user’s safety or
the safety of others.
Once the brake pedal is released, the BAS is deactivated.
The yellow BAS malfunction indicator light
comes on with the key in the ignition switch
turned to the “ON” position. The light should
go out with the engine running. If the BAS
malfunction indicator light comes on continuously with
the engine running, a malfunction has been detected in