Connect trailer lighting and brakes using factory
harnesses only. Do not cut or splice wiring to the
brake circuits. Use an approved wiring harness con-
nector on the trailer.
Trailer Weight and Trailer Tongue Weight
Gross Trailer Weight (GTW) means the weight of the
trailer plus the weight of all cargo, consumables and
equipment loaded on the trailer when in actual under-
way towing condition. The recommended way to mea-
sure GTW is to put your fully loaded trailer on a vehicle
scale. The entire weight of the trailer must be supported
by the scale.
Tongue Weight is the weight placed on the vehicle’s
trailer hitch by the trailer. Always load a trailer with 60%
to 65% of the weight located ahead of the trailer axle(s)
sufficiently to place 10% to 15% of the GTW on the tow
hitch of your vehicle.
Equalizing hitch are required for Class III or IV trailer
hitches and tongue weights above 350 lbs (159 kg) and
use of trailer sway control is recommended.