What Causes Corrosion?
Corrosion is the result of deterioration or removal of
paint and protective coatings from your vehicle.
The most common causes are:
Road salt, dirt, and moisture accumulation.
Stone and gravel impact.
Insects, tree sap, and tar.
Salt in the air near seacoast localities.
Atmospheric fallout/industrial pollutants.
Wash your vehicle regularly. Always wash your ve-
hicle in the shade using Mopar Car Wash or a mild
car wash soap, and rinse the panels completely with
clear water.
If insects, tar, or other similar deposits have accumu-
lated on your vehicle, use Mopar Super Kleen Bug
and Tar Remover to remove.
Use Mopar Cleaner Wax to remove road film, stains
and to protect your paint finish. Take care never to
scratch the paint.
Avoid using abrasive compounds and power buffing
that may diminish the gloss or thin out the paint
Do not use abrasive or strong cleaning materials
such as steel wool or scouring powder, which will
scratch metal and painted surfaces.
Special Care
If you drive on salted or dusty roads or if you drive
near the ocean, hose off the undercarriage at least once
a month.
It is important that the drain holes in the lower edges
of the doors, rocker panels, and rear cargo area be kept
clear and open.