Winter Front Usage
If a winter front or cold weather cover is to be used, a
percentage of the total grille opening area must be left
uncovered to provide sufficient air flow to the charge air
cooler and automatic transmission oil cooler. The per-
centage of opening must be increased with the increasing
ambient air temperature and/or engine load. If the
cooling fan can be heard cycling frequently, increase the
size of the opening in the winter front. A suitable cold
weather cover is available from your Mopar dealer.
Battery Blanket Usage
A battery loses 60% of its cranking power as the battery
temperature decreases to 0°F (-18°). For the same de-
crease in temperature, the engine requires twice as much
power to crank at the same RPM. The use of 120 VAC
powered battery blankets will greatly increase starting
capability at low temperatures. Suitable battery blankets
are available from your authorized Mopar dealer.
Arctic Operation
Where there are no provisions to keep the engine warm
when it is operating in ambient temperatures consistently
below (-10°F/-23°C), use 5W-40 synthetic engine oil and
fuel that meets the requirements in Section 7, “Mainte-
nance Procedures,” Engine Oil Selection.
Engine Warm-Up
Avoid full throttle operation when the engine is cold.
When starting a cold engine, bring the engine up to
operating speed slowly to allow the oil pressure to
stabilize as the engine warms up.
NOTE: High-speed, no-load running of a cold engine
can result in excessive white smoke and poor engine
performance. No-load engine speeds should be kept
under 1,200 rpm during the warm-up period, especially
in cold ambient temperature conditions.