Engine Oil Viscosity (SAE Grade)
Use SAE 15W-40 Engine Oil that meets
DaimlerChrysler Materials Standard MS-10902 and the
API CJ-4 engine oil category.
Engine oil not designated by the DaimlerChrysler or
Cummins Material Standards and API CJ-4 should not
be used, engine and exhaust system durability may be
compromised. For lower temperature operation SAE
5W-40 engine oils may be used. These oils must meet the
same requirements as stated previously. The engine oil
filler cap also shows the recommended engine oil viscos-
ity for your engine. For information on engine oil filler
cap location, refer to the “Engine Compartment” illustra-
tion in this section.
Synthetic Engine Oils
You may use synthetic engine oils provided the recom-
mended oil quality requirements are met, and the recom-
mended maintenance intervals for oil and filter changes
are followed.
Materials Added to Engine Oil
The manufacturer strongly recommends against the ad-
dition of any additives (other than leak detection dyes or
lube odorants) to the engine oil. Engine oil is an engi-
neered product and it’s performance may be impaired by
supplemental additives.
NOTE: The manufacturer offers a lube odorant (Mopar
Diesel Fresh) for diesel engines crankcases. The lube
odorant is recommended by the manufacturer to reduce
the sulfur smell that may occur during engine idling.