You may experience the following when the brake system
goes into anti-lock:
The ABS motor running (it may continue to run for a
short time after the stop)
A clicking sound of solenoid valves
Brake pedal pulsations
A slight drop or fall away of the brake pedal at the end
of the stop
The Anti-Lock Brake System contains sophisti-
cated electronic equipment that may be suscep-
tible to interference caused by improperly in-
stalled, or high output radio transmitting
equipment. This interference can cause possible
loss of anti-lock braking capability. Installation of
such equipment should be performed by qualified
Pumping of the Anti-Lock Brakes will diminish
their effectiveness and may lead to an accident.
Pumping makes the stopping distance longer. Just
press firmly on your brake pedal when you need
to slow down or stop.