Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.14.2 srv nat srv nat dmz
This command allows users to set DMZ host. Before using this command, please set WAN IP
Alias first.
srv nat dmz mapping [Index][Private IP address]
srv nat dmz remove [Index]
Syntax Description
mapping It means to map selected WAN IP to certain host.
Index It means the number of the DMZ host.
Default setting is “1” (WAN 1). It is only available for Static IP
mode. If you use other mode, you can set 2 ~ 8 in this field.
Private IP address It means to specify the private IP address of the DMZ host.
remove It means removing DMZ host setting.
> srv nat dmz mapping 1
> srv nat openport
This command allows users to set open port settings for NAT server.
srv nat openport list
srv nat openport enable [index]
srv nat openport disable [index]
srv nat openport comment [index][Comment]
srv nat openport dstip [index][Destination local IP address]
srv nat openport add [Profile index][Subitem index] [WAN IP addr][Pvt IP
addr][Protocol][Start port][End port]
srv nat openport remove [Profile index] [Subitem index]
srv nat openport flush
Syntax Description
list It means a detailed list for open port settings.
enable [index] It means to activate the specified entry of open port settings.
disable [index] It means to inactivate the specified entry of open port settings.
comment [index] It means the entry number of the comment.
Comment It means to type the description for the defined network service.
dstip [index] It means to choose a index number for the destination.