We urge you to read this manual carefully and to follow the recommendations enclosed.
This will help assure you of the most enjoyable and trouble-free operation of your new
Gas Grill. We also advise you to keep this manual for future reference.
m WARNING: Your grill has been designed to operate using
only the gas specified on the rating plate. Do not attempt
to operate your grill on other gases. Failure to follow this
warning could lead to a fire hazard and bodily harm, and will
void your warranty.
m CAUTION: FOR YOUR SAFETY Do not store any flammable
materials in any cabinets beneath the grill burner box or in
the vicinity of your grill.
mWARNING: Keep any electrical supply cords and the fuel
supply hose away from any heated surfaces.
mDo not build this model of grill in any built-in or slide in
construction. Ignoring this Warning could cause a fire or
an explosion that can damage property and cause serious
bodily injury or death.
mWARNING: The burning of gas cooking fuel generates some
by-products which are on the list of substances known
by the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive
harm. California law requires businesses to warn customers
of potential exposure to such substances. To minimize
exposure to these substances always operate this unit
according to the use and care manual, ensuring you provide
good ventilation when cooking with gas.
• YourDucane
Gas Grill is manufactured for outdoor use only! Any grill, charcoal
or gas, produces carbon monoxide while in operation and the gas should not be
allowed to accumulate in a confined area. Never operate this grill inside a building
or any enclosed area such as your home, garage or recreational vehicle.
• Whenlocatingyourgrill,chooseasafeoutdoorlocationawayfromflammableor
combustible surfaces and out of traffic paths. Ducane
strongly recommends a
24" clearance to combustible surfaces and 120" (10 feet) to any fuel containers or
propane cylinders.
• Consultyourlocalcodesforpossibleadditionalrestrictionsonlocationor
operation of your grill.
• Asyourgrillusesgas,itrequiresairtoburnproperly.Donotlocateyourgrillin
such manner to obstruct the flow of circulation and ventilation air around the grill.
• Whenpossible,adjustyourgrills’positiontoreducethelikelihoodofwindblowing
onto it.
m CAUTION: Never operate your grill under any overhead
combustible construction.
m CAUTION: This grill is not intended to be installed in or
attached to a recreational vehicle. It is also not intended to
be installed in or on a boat.
m WARNING: For your safety, do not store or use gasoline or
other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this
or any other appliance. Failure to follow this warning could
lead to a fire, explosion and bodily harm.
Make sure your grill is assembled properly. Detailed assembly instructions are packed
with each grill giving specific assembly procedures for each model. Follow these
instructions carefully to ensure the correct and safe assembly of the grill.
It is important for the proper operation of the grill that it be located on a level surface.
Natural Gas Grills