18 X7501182803
© 03/2013 ECHO Inc.
3. Purge Bulb
Pump purge bulb (D) until fuel is visible and flows freely in the
clear fuel tank return line.
4. Recoil Starter
Place the unit on a flat, clear area. Firmly grasp throttle grip
with left hand and rapidly pull recoil starter handle/rope (E)
until engine fires.
Recoil starter: Use short pulls - only 1/2 ~ 2/3 of rope for
starting. Do not allow the rope to snap back in. Always hold the
unit firmly.
Note: If engine does not start after 5 pulls, use Cold Start
Stopping Engine
1. Throttle Trigger/Throttle Position Lever
Release throttle trigger (F). Move throttle position lever (B)
forward to idle position and allow engine to return to idle
before shutting off engine.
2. Stop Switch
Move stop switch (A) to STOP position.
If engine does not stop when stop switch is moved to STOP position, close choke - COLD START
position - to stall engine. Have your ECHO dealer repair stop switch before using trimmer again.
Operating Blower
Engine exhaust IS HOT, and contains Carbon Monoxide
(CO), a poison gas. Breathing CO can cause
unconsciousness, serious injury, or death. Exhaust can
cause serious burns. ALWAYS position unit so that
exhaust is directed away from your face and body.