
User Manual
4-2-10. Trap Event Configuration
Functi on name:
Trap Event Configuration
Functi on description:
The Trap Events Configuration function is used to enable the Advanced Smart
Ethernet Switch to send out the trap information while pre-defi ned trap events
Switch management offers 7 different trap events and 2 host to users .The
message will be sent while users tick (;) the trap event indi vidually on the
web page shown as below. Except Warm Boot and Cold Boot, other trap
events offer the counter function to help the user see the times that the trap
event had happened.
Parameter description:
These trap functions are as they describe. The traps the switch supports are
listed below.
Boot: Warm Boot, Cold Boot
Login: Illegal Login
Link: Link Up, Link Down
Tx/Rx error: Rx error threshold, Tx error threshold
Fig. 4-20
Publication date: January, 2005
Revision A1