
Tx Rate: Pull down the selection menu to choose the transmitting rate. When
Speed Base is set as Low, the transmitting rate for all the ports is in the
range between 32K bytes and 8M bytes. When Speed Base is set as High,
the transmitting rate for port 1 ~ 24 is in the range between 256K bytes and
64M bytes; the transmitting rate for port 25 & 26 is in the range between 2M
bytes and 510M bytes.
Rx Rate: Pull down the selection menu to choose the receiving rate. When
Speed Base is set as Low, the receiving rate for all the ports is in the range
between 32K bytes and 8M bytes. When Speed Base is set as High, the
transmitting rate for port 1 ~ 24 Is in the range between 256K bytes and 64N
bytes; the receiving rate for port 25 & 26 is in the range between 2M bytes
and 765M bytes.
And then, click
to make the settings taken effect.