2-2. i-WATCHER Hardware Setup (Wireless LAN Setup)
The i-WATCHER provides a USB port for extra device.
Check the diagram for extra function
i-WATCHER IP-Cam support wireless LAN USB Dongle, the USB port in camera back
panel. The camera support dual mode, LAN and WLAN, when you want to use wireless
LAN with i-WATCHER, please follow setup step and notes.
1. After IP-Cam LAN setup process
2. Plug i-Watcher USB Wi-Fi Dongle into camera Wi-Fi USB port
3. Use IE browser, into Camera Configuration page -> Network page
4. Wireless LAN Enable. And Manually setup IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway or
Automatically by DHCP
5. Configuration page -> Wireless Interface page
Setup wireless all setting value, such as
Network Name (ESS ID), Channel, Operation
Mode and WEP settings, than click Set button
6. Select “Reboot Immediately” button for reboot.
(wait 60sec)
7. Confirm you PC connect wireless LAN and same
as Wireless LAN section with IP-Cam wireless,
Use IP-EDIT.EXE software to find out camera
(Now, camera in Wireless LAN status)
8. Use IP-EDIT.EXE, Camera List will show 2 cameras.