
places (like from Internet), you can leave this field blank.
DNS1: Please input the IP address of DNS server. If you don’t know its
IP address, please consult your network administrator.
DNS2: Input backup DNS server’s IP address here. You can leave this
field blank if you have only one DNS server.
Start UPnP Check this box and this NVR will start UPnP service, so computers that
are compatible with UPnP can discover the presence of NVR and get
It’s recommended to check this box to enable UPnP.
PPPoE Select this item to use PPPoE to connect to network.
Username: Please input PPPoE username.
Password: Please input PPPoE password.
HTTP Port Input HTTP port number. Please note that if you changed HTTP port
setting here, you have to use the “address:port” format to connect to
NVR by web browser.
For example, if you changed HTTP port to 8080, and NVR’s IP address is, please input ‘’ in browser’s
address bar.
RTSP Port Input NVR’s RTSP port number. It is recommended to leave this setting
untouched unless required.
Enable DDNS Check this box to enable DDNS (Dynamic DNS) function. This function
will help you to locate your NVR on Internet by host name.
Before you use this function, please register an account from one of
DDNS service provider first:
www.dyndns.org or www.tzo.com