Proceed Dialing Tone - When placing a landside-to-mobile telephone
call (see page 32), the landside caller may enter a special number which
specifies the mobile being called. This tone indicates when that number
should be dialed.
LTR Telephone Call Tones
The following tones are generated by LTR interconnect equipment
and are heard when making LTR telephone calls.
Reorder Tone - Three beeps which indicate that the call has been termi-
nated by the system.
Return Time Warning Tone - Two beeps which indicate that you have
not transmitted for an extended period. If you do not transmit within 5
seconds, the call is automatically terminated by the system. The time
between transmissions is one of the parameters used by the system to
detect the end of a call when the # character is not sent.
Conversation Time-Out Tone - Calls are limited to a certain length by
the system. Thirty seconds before this time is reached, a “tick” begins
sounding each second. When the 30-second time expires, the call is auto-
matically terminated by the system.
Turn-Around Tone - This is a single beep which may be used to indicate
to the landside party when to respond to your transmission. It sounds
when you release the PTT switch, and you may partially hear this tone.
Proceed Tone - This tone consists of two beeps and it tells the landside
caller when to enter the five-digit number specifying the mobile being
called. Dialing of this number must be started within 5 sec. of hearing this
tone, and a tone-type telephone must be used.
Display Messages
The following messages appear in the display to indicate various
operating modes and error conditions.