Emptying the condensate tank
Empty condensate tank after every drying cycle.
If the condensate tank is full, an active programme will break off auto-
matically and the o EMPTY WATER display will light up. In order to
continue the programme, the condensate tank must first be emptied.
1 Warning! The condensate is not suitable for drinking or for preparing
1. Pull drawer containing condensate
out all the way.
2. Pull out condensate tank’s outlet
connections and pour condensate
out into basin or other suitable
3. Slide outlet connections in and re-
fit condensate tank.
If the programme has been inter-
rupted as a result of the conden-
sate tank being full:
Press the START/PAUSE button to continue the drying cycle.
3 The condensate tank has a volume of approx. 4 litres. This is sufficient
for around 6kg of laundry which has previously been spun at 800 revo-
3 The condensate can be used as distilled water, e.g. for steam ironing.
However first filter the condensate (e.g. with a coffee filter) to remove
any residue and small pieces of fluff.