0107 4
4. Preliminary
Distributor Letter
Chemical System Responsibility
The following policy should be considered and understood as a warranty/disclaimer to customers
operating textile care installations where liquid supply (chemical) systems use or may use peristaltic
pumps to inject supplies into equipment.
To Whom it May Concern :
We, the undersigned, accept no responsibility for loss or damage when, during periods of non-use,
concentrated chemicals leak, spray or "dribble" onto any part of our machines or their contents.
It is well known that many pumped liquid chemical systems tend to permit concentrated chemicals
to dribble out of the injection tubes when the system has not been used for relatively long periods
of time – as after working hours and during weekends. This puts highly concentrated corrosive
chemicals in direct contact with dry stainless steel surfaces and often directly on any textiles left in
the machine. Chemical deterioration (rusting) of the stainless steel and damage to the textiles is the
inevitable result.
It is absolutely useless to fl ush the affected sites after each injection because the harmful dribble
always occurs later – after the machine is no longer in use. One seemingly foolproof solution for
"dribbling chemicals" (which we highly recommend but obviously cannot guarantee) is to locate the
chemical tanks and pumps well below the injection point on the machine (so the contents of the injec-
tion tube(s) cannot siphon into the machine) and to completely purge the just-used chemical injec-
tion tube(s), or manifold, with fresh water after every injection so that only fresh water (which cannot
cause a problem) can dribble out. Naturally, this – or any other solution – is the sole responsibility of
the pump and/or chemical supplier (not the machine manufacturer).
Additionally, external chemical leakage is dangerous to personal health and safety, and will also
cause severe damage to machines and/or their surroundings. The installer and/or user of the chemi-
cal injection system must make sure there are no external chemical leaks and that excessive pres-
sure can never build up in any chemical delivery tube, because excessive pressure can burst the
tube, or disconnect it from the machine, and spray dangerous concentrated chemicals about the
The machinery manufacturer is not, and cannot be, responsible for compliance with the above.