0310 1
15. Electric diagrams
Confi guration of variator KEB type 5
list of CP parameters
Code Function
CP. 0 Password input
CP. 1 Inverter status display
CP. 2 Utilization
CP. 3 Actual frequency display
CP. 4 Peak of load
CP. 5 Variator temperature
CP. 6 Apparent current
CP. 7 Active set
CP. 8 Transmission speed
CP. 9 Last error
CP.10 Overcurrent
CP.11 Overload
CP.12 Overvoltage
CP.13 Overtemperature
CP.14 Max. constant current set 0
CP.15 Max. ramp current set 0
CP.16 Boost stop set 0
CP.17 Max. constant current wash set 1
CP.18 Max. ramp current wash set 1
CP.19 Regulator of proportional speed wash set 1
CP.20 Regulator of integral speed wash set 1
CP.21 Boost wash set 1
CP.22 Autoboost wash set 1
CP.23 Max. constant current distribution set 2
CP.24 Max. ramp current distribution set 2
CP.25 Regulator of proportional speed distribution set 2
CP.26 Regulator of integral speed distribution set 2
CP.27 Boost distribution set 2
CP.28 Autoboost distribution set 2
CP.29 Max. constant current extraction set 3
CP.30 Max. ramp current extraction set 3
CP.31 Overmodulation extraction set 3
CP.32 Max. constant current positionning set 4
CP.33 Max. ramp current positionning set 4
CP.34 Boost positionning set 4
CP.35 Autoboost positionning set 4
After parameterizing it is compulsory to barr the unit against access. Enter the value 100 in
CP.0 after loading the programme in the inverter.
In after sales you can enable the access to CP parameters by entering the value 200 in CP.O