1109 2
Working place lighting
The lighting should be designed so as to avoid eye strain for the operator ; it should be uniform
without any glare, and should be suffi cient to detect any hazards.
The average lighting value on the working place recommended by the clothing industry for
inspecting linen is 500 lux.
Whenever possible, the working place should be illuminated by daylight.
Take the box placed underneath the drum.
List of accessories provided with each machine:
• 1 instruction handbook + Clarus Control memory card + converter handbook
• 3 keys for frames
• 1 opening drum lever
• 2 or 3 stainless steel fl exible pipes DN20 + 2 or 3 fi ber seals
• 2 or 3 waters fi lters
• 1 connection bellow Ø 60 + 1 collar
• 1 durit Ø 75 mm + 1 collar for drain
• 1 connection nozzle
• 2 fi xing dowells
• 2 fi tted safety locks
• 4 "Gripsol" bolsters (see explanation for the setting)
Extra accessories for steam heating machine:
• 1 steam electrovalve (available in the soap box)
• 1 steam fl exible + 1 steam fi lter
• 1 insulating
Extra accessories for gas heating machine:
• 4 meters blue fl exible pipes
• 2 pipes Ø 125 mm (5") , length 500 mm (20") to be connect at the chimney
• 1 T-square pipe Ø 125 mm (5") and a anti-bursting chimney regulator to be connected over
the gas exchanger
• 1 draught accelerator to extract the exhaust of burn gas, to be connected at the chimney
( in 3 parts)
• 4 collars Ø 40 x 60
Extra accessories for barrier machine:
• 1 rubber seal + the aluminium extruded sections
• 2 fi lling angles + 4 screws + 4 nuts Ø 6
9. Installation