Madden NFL 13 is very excited to be delivering NFL legends. You’ll nd
these players in both Madden Ultimate Team and Connected Careers.
Below is a brief bio of each legend and where they might best t
in today’s NFL. Keep in mind, the legends you are playing with are
rookie versions of the player. They’re initial ratings will be higher than
your average rookie, but nowhere near the heights that you can
take them as you get deeper in your career.
Barry Sanders
Speed Back / Zone Run Scheme 97 SPD, 99 AGI, 98 ACC
Barry Sanders spent his entire career as a Detroit Lion and that’s
exactly the perfect place to restart his career. Barry’s explosiveness
should give the Lions the balance they need and could quite possibly
push them over the edge for a Super Bowl ring. Can you get Barry
the championship he never achieved?
Dave Casper
Receiver TE / Vertical Offense 85 SPD, 87 CTH, 93 CIT
Dave “The Ghost” Casper is known for his time spent on the Oakland
Raiders and that’s a perfect t for him to begin his career. The
Raiders are desperate for a Receiving TE and Casper can come in
and start from day one. How much can you improve on Casper’s
career in today’s NFL?