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After the game has booted up, you are taken to the launcher. Select SINGLEPLAYER,
Store, or CREDITS. When exiting Singleplayer or Multiplayer mode,
you return to the launcher.
A previously unknown terrorist organization is unearthed when a highly lethal form of P.E.T.N.
is discovered at the scene of recent terrorist attacks. Sophisticated, well-funded and large in
numbers, the organization presents a threat specialized enough for two elite Tier 1 Units to be
called in to stop it. The threat is real, eminent and will test the very limits of both Task Force
Mako and Task Force Blackbird.
Saving & loaDing
While playing Medal of Honor™ Warfighter, your progress is automatically saved via a number
of mid-mission checkpoints. After dying, you reappear at the last checkpoint you passed.
SinglePlayeR menU
Missions Select a mission to play.
Options Adjust various in-game options.
Medal of Honor Warfighter offers several multiplayer gameplay modes that support up to 20
players for 10-on-10 combat. Each mode is accessible via pre-programmed playlists. Playlists
can be composed of several gameplay modes, which are cycled randomly in online matches,
or one single mode.
If there are not enough players present on a server, the match begins with a preround. This
gives players a chance to get a brief preview of the map. The preround continues until the
minimum number of players necessary to begin the game joins the match.
After the preround is complete, or if no preround is needed, players proceed to the warm-up.
While warming up, players can select their load-out and get ready to go into combat. Players
are frozen in place until the match is ready to begin. After a brief countdown, the players
unfreeze and are able to begin the battle.
While playing, if the number of players drops below the minimum threshold, the match returns
to the preround to give other players a chance to join and repopulate the match. This ensures
that every server is appropriately populated for combat.
Playing online
Lobby Quickly access game servers, the game feed and latest news.
Find Game Customize your search for a game server.
My Gun Personalize your weapons.
My Soldier Manage and customize your class, unit, and weapon selections.
Platoon Join a platoon or form one of your own.
Stats & Leaderboards Browse multiplayer game stats and see how you stack up
against other players.
Options Modify game options.
my gUn
The gun you take into battle is your life, and selecting your weapon could be the most
important decision you’ll ever make. Your weapon decides how you play the game, and it is
important to select a weapon that complements your natural tendencies. Patient players with a
fine eye for detail may excel at sniping at a distance, but not perform as well on the front lines.
Select your weapon carefully, and be sure to experiment for the best fit.
Select Weapon Select your weapon by choosing one from among six classes.
Paint Job Give your gun a nice paint job or apply camouflage patterns to it.
Muzzle Adjust the attributes of the muzzle of your weapon.
Optics Alter the functionality of your scope.
Magazine Style Change the specifications of your magazine.
Barrel Assembly Affects the weapon’s agility and effective range.
Receiver Group Changes stock and receiver. Affects agility and effective range.
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