Platoons are the gateway to fully experiencing the competitive combat of Medal of Honor Warfighter.
Platoons are groups of players that go into combat together. A single player, who serves as the
platoon leader, commands a platoon. All platoons are ranked according to the Glicko system, a
time-tested method of quantifying a player’s talent in games of skill. This system ensures that
you are pitted against other platoons of equal ability.
Joining a platoon gives you a chance to make friendly connections with other players and enjoy
a long-lasting comradeship on your way to the top of the leaderboards.
Your Platoon View a summary of your performance in the platoon thus far, in
addition to the platoon’s performance as a whole. Examine the
member list, view the platoon-specific leaderboard, and see how
well your comrades are doing in terms of reputation.
Select Platoon Select a platoon to join.
StatS anD leaDeRBoaRDS
What’s the fun of playing against other people without knowing how well you did? Consult
the leaderboards to check your ranking against friends and the world, your platoon’s rank,
and more.
Player Summary View and edit your player card, which includes your leaderboard
rankings, win/loss record, and XP earned.
Service Record View the awards you have won after completing specific
in-game requirements.
Top Players Check out the top players in the world.
Top Platoons Find out who the biggest platoons in the world are before you
join the fray.
Adjust various in-game options such as controls, audio settings, and video settings.
game moDeS
comBat miSSion
Attackers have a finite number of lives to detonate three consecutive objectives. Defenders
must stop them at any cost.
team DeatH matcH
No objectives. Fight alongside your allies and Fireteam buddy to neutralize the enemy. The first
team to 75 kills wins.
SectoR contRol
There are three flags. Take control of a flag by occupying the immediate area. Controlling flags
gives your team points as long as those flags remain under your control. The objective is to
control more flags than your enemy.
Five possible bombsites activate one at a time in a random order. Attackers have three minutes
to detonate a bombsite. After three detonations, the attackers win. Likewise, if the defenders
prevent the attackers three times, the defenders win.
Home RUn
Ten three-minute rounds, no respawns. Attackers take one of two flags back to the finish line
for two points. Eliminating the other team while holding the flag scores two points. Eliminating
the other team is one point. Attack and defend roles switch at halftime. The team with the most
points after 10 rounds wins.