www.ArmyofTwo.comArmy of TWO™ The Devil’s Cartel
overkill Meter
The blue semi-circle meter on the right side of your screen is your Overkill Meter. When
it’s full, press the W button to activate Overkill. You can press the button again to
pause Overkill.
tWo viSion Meter
The blue semi-circle meter on the left side of your screen is your TWO Vision Meter. When
it’s full, press the SELECT button to activate TWO Vision. You can press the button again
to pause TWO Vision.
Your ammo and grenade counts are shown in the lower right corner. The first number is the
number of shots you have before you need to reload, while the second number is your total
available ammo for your equipped weapon. The last number shows your available grenades.
A locator icon shows the location of your objective. When you face the icon, it may also
show further details about your objectives.
br avo a i
Use the directional buttons to issue commands to your AI partner. Depending on the
commands available on the command wheel, you can order Bravo to regroup, draw
attention, pick up a shield, or perform other actions.
Partner indicator
A small box encasing the letter A or B points you in the direction of your partner. The box
appears above your partner’s head when you’re looking at him directly.
cover Marker
When the Cover Marker appears, press the S button and your character will automatically
navigate to find cover.
Taking down a cartel takes guts and strategy. Firing from cover offers advantages such as
a reduction in the amount of damage you take, while rushing an enemy to perform a melee
attack can earn you additional Overkill points for your bravado. Working with your partners
is also crucial to meeting your mission objectives, not to mention making it out alive.
character ProGreSSion
As you complete missions and chapters, you earn money that allows you to rank up. Playing
co-op and using Overkill earns you more money, so you rank up faster.
Ranking up unlocks new weapons, gun parts, tattoos, masks, and tactical gear, to make you
a stronger combatant on the field.