The Mission screen lists primary objectives on the left and optional missions on the right. The
lower portion of the screen displays the personal journal, which details the story and reminds you
of the logical next move, such as using the locator to find the next RIG coordinates. Press the
button on any objective to make it the active objective for your Locator.
The Database lets you view your entry logs and artifacts. These help you keep track of your
progress in each chapter and remind you of what to do next. Scroll to the far right to
view Tutorials.
The Scavenger Bots screen keeps you up to date on what each of your Scavenger Bots is doing.
Scavenger Bots still in your possession are waiting to be deployed. Once released, a bot appears
with a timer indicating when it will return. After it has located resources, it can be reacquired at
the next Bench you visit.
The Bench is a workspace for you to build weapons from parts or blueprints, upgrade existing
weapons with Circuits, craft items such as Stasis Packs, and view your inventory. This is also the
only place you can access your Safe Inventory.
Weapon Crafting Modify and upgrade an existing weapon or build a new weapon
from scratch.
Blueprints Select a default blueprint or custom blueprint to instantly create a
weapon, using available scavenged parts.
Weapon Upgrades Add Circuits to upgrade an existing weapon.
Craft Items Create items such as ammo clips, Med Packs, Stasis packs, and
Tungsten Torque Bars, to give you an edge in and out of combat.
Safe View and manage equipment in the RIG Inventory and Safe Inventory.
Design your own weapons to customize your combat style. At the Bench, select WEAPON
CRAFTING to design a weapon from scratch using Resources and parts, or select BLUEPRINTS to
instantly assemble a weapon from an existing blueprint.
To create a customized weapon, select CRAFT NEW WEAPON from the Weapon Crafting menu at
the Bench. When frame options appear, choose what type you want. A Compact frame creates a
one-handed weapon, while a Heavy Frame creates a two-handed weapon.
Every gun has an Upper Tool and a Lower Tool, so it can deal two different types of damage. This
makes you a more versatile fighter, ready for all situations and enemies at any range.
After selecting a frame, choose an Upper Tool from the new menu. This is your primary fire. The
next screen you see serves as a customization menu. Below Upper Tool, select LOWER TOOL to
choose your alternate fire option. You can also choose a melee Tool here, in case enemies
get too close.
Tips modify the firing based on the Tools you choose for your gun, so these options do not
become available until you’ve selected your Tools. For instance, if your Upper Tool is a Plasma
Core, your Upper Tip options let you select exactly how you want to blast enemies with kinetic or
charged energy.
Pay attention to changes to damage, reload, clip, and speed on the lower right-hand side of the
screen, which vary by Tip. Each Tip also has a range and accuracy rating, so you can customize
your weapon to your combat strengths and weaknesses.