ball hawk
Going for an interception or swatting the ball out of the air is a great way
to prevent the offense from gaining ground. After a pass has been thrown,
press the a Button to switch to the defensive player closest to the ball. Once
you’re in control of the defender, hold the x Button to go for an interception
or press the r Button or l Button to make an aggressive attempt to swat
the ball. Be careful when using Ball Hawk! Your defender will take the most
aggressive path to the football. If he is late, the receiver may have an
open field!
how To uSe audible Coverage
Calling a coverage audible allows you to adjust specific aspects of your
coverage at the line of scrimmage. After calling a coverage audible, put your
defensive backs into press or loose coverage, show blitz, or shift
your safeties.
how To uSe deFenSive hoT rouTeS
Defensive Hot Routes are great for making coverage decisions with pinpoint
accuracy. You can access the Hot Route menu on defense by pressing Up on
the +Control Pad. Press the direction on the +Control Pad or the Right Stick
that represents the assignments you want to change. You can also press
the a Button to go into Individual Coverage and change the assignment of a
specific player. You can give individual players direction on the fly, instructing
them to move to a hook or flat zone, blitz, curl to flat, go into deep zone,
switch to man coverage, or QB spy/contain.
how To uSe TouCh SCreen deFenSive hoT rouTeS
During pre-play preparations, tap and hold on a defender to activate a cursor.
Drag the cursor around the field, into different zones, or onto offensive
players in order to change your defender’s assignment.
SpeCial TeamS
on The kiCking Team
Move the Right Stick down on the GamePad to start filling the kick meter.
Move the Right Stick up on the GamePad while the indicator is at the top of
the gauge for maximum power. To achieve the perfect kick, make sure that
the Right Stick remains centered while performing the motion.
on The reTurn Team
The receiving team can call for a fair catch by tapping the x Button on the
GamePad when the kick is in the air, meaning that the line of scrimmage is at
the point where the receiver catches the incoming ball. If a fair catch is not
signaled, then players proceed as normal.
Supersim allows you to simulate any part of the current matchup at any time.
This option is available from the Pause Menu or from the Playcall Screen. You
may cancel Supersim at anytime.
user InterFaCe
main menu
The main screen is a grid of quick links to all the different areas of
Madden NFL 13
Anything from Play Now, to Connected Career, to Madden Moments Live can
all easily be accessed from here. Always be on the lookout for the dynamic
messaging tiles on the right for the most up-to-date news and information.
play now
Take part in an exhibition game.
Take part in online Head to Head matches and more.
ConneCTed Career mode
Experience the all-new and in-depth Connected Career Mode in
Madden NFL 13
my madden
Enter My Madden from the Main Menu. This menu allows you to fully
customize your
Madden NFL 13
experience, as well as access your NFL.com
Fantasy Football team!
game SCreen
Down and
Game clock
Play clock
Yard line