gives you voice control over your EasyDrive menu and other selected car controls,
letting you keep your hands on the wheel while you access these features. Using it is as simple
as saying what you see to make it happen.
To open EasyDrive say “EasyDrive”. To close EasyDrive, just say “Drive”. On the main menu,
read out the option (“races”, “change car”, “customize car”, and more) you’d like to select and
you jump straight to it.
On the submenus, moving through options is as simple as saying “Next” to move down the
menu and “Previous” to move up. When the option you want is highlighted, say “Yes” to open
it. Want to go back up a level in the menu? Then simply say “Go Back”. Want to see more? Say
“Show More” to move down screens with multiple pages.
If you are experiencing problems with Kinect Command recognition, try reducing your volume
levels. Kinect voice control is only available in single player.
Want to locate the nearest Speed Camera? Wondering where there is a Billboard nearby? Then
call out “Speed Cameras”, “Jack Spots”, “Recommends”, “Billboards”, or “Races” to filter the
map in order to highlight those locations. Just say “Open Map” to shortcut straight to the map
screen when driving.
starting anD stopping your
To start your car with Kinect, say “Engine Start” or “Ignition”. You can also stop the engine by
saying “Engine Off”.
looking arounD
Say “Look Around” to rotate the camera around your car. It’s a great way to admire your ride or
to spot any police units that are trying to sneak up on you.
easyDrive shortCuts
You don’t even need the menu open to use Kinect, just say “Races”, “Customize Car”, “Change
Car”, “Most Wanted Cars”, Autolog Recommends”, “Tires”, “Nitrous”, “Chassis”, “Body”,
“Transmission”, or “Multiplayer” to open those menus.
You can pause the game simply by saying “Pause Game”. Say “Drive” to return to the action.
JaCk spots
Make your car switches smoother with Kinect. Drive to the Jack Spot and say “Drive Car” when
you are close to the car to switch between vehicles.
Change your view on the move by saying “Change View”. Want to look back at the other cars
behind you while you’re driving? Then just say “Rear View”.
Access EasyDrive by saying “EasyDrive”. To exit, just say “Drive”.
easyDrive in events
When you’re in an event, you can use Kinect to restart a level. Just say “Retry” to go back to
the beginning of that event. Want to leave an event? Then say “Leave Event”.
This guide doesn’t just show the streets of Fairhaven. Find a Billboard, discover a Bodyshop, or
crash though a Security Gate, and it will be shown on your map.
The more you explore the more you’ll discover, and everything you find will appear here along
with its SpeedWall challenge.
Your map will also show you all the events you can compete in, with every car you discover
opening up more opportunities. Simply select an event and you can jump straight to it, or
display a route to reach it.
Map syMbols
Want to locate the nearest Speed Camera? Wondering where the closest Billboard is located?
Then select the view you want to see on the map.
Your heads up display (HUD) includes a GPS driven mini-map and is capable of displaying all
known race routes used in Fairhaven. The mini-map shows your current route, pursuing police
units, and allows you to plan your escape.
This modified police kit will also display the radius you must escape in order to evade the
police and enter Cooldown.