Saying the below commands is a shortcut to calling a substitution for that particular position.
NOTE: With these steps, you are only able to sub a player for a player of the same position.
` Sub striker
` Sub midfielder
` Sub defender
` Sub goalkeeper
Basic formation commands.
` Formations (this initiates the formation flow)
` Formation one
` Formation two
` Formation three
` Formation four
` Formation five
Basic mentality commands.
NOTE: You can shortcut directly to a mentality by simply saying the command. For example,
` Mentality (this initiates the formation flow)
` Ultra defensive
` Defensive
` Balanced
` Attacking
` Ultra attacking
Basic tactics commands.
NOTE: You can shortcut to the tactic you want by simply saying the command. For example,
“Offside trap.”
` Tactics (this initiates the tactics flow)
` Swap wings
` Team pressing
` CB joins attack
` Offside trap
Quick Tactics can be set up in the Team Management menu. When you create your own
Tactics and save it to one of the Quick Tactics slots, it appears in the game as a voice
command option. Say, “Quick tactics” in game to try it out!
` Quick tactics (this initiates the quick tactics flow)
` Custom tactic one
` Custom tactic two
` Custom tactic three
` Custom tactic four
Combo Commands let you set up multiple changes to be made with one voice command. You
can make a formations, tactics, and mentality change all at once by saying one simple phrase.
` Take it to the corners
` Step it up
` We need the win
` Look after the ball
` Ease off a little
You can give an individual tactic, mentality, or formations change a specific command.
In the Kinect Settings, enter the Custom Commands menu, and choose which tactics,
mentality, and formations setting you would like, as well as what voice command you want
to give each. You can also use each phase for more than one setting. For example, you could
have one phrase that calls two actions (a tactic and mentality) and one phrase that calls a
single action (formation).
There are Custom Phrases to choose from:
` Hard five minutes
` Pressure on the ball
` Go all out now
` Route one now boys
` Shoot from anywhere
` Everybody back
` Shut up shop
` Let’s slow it down
` Get tight on them
` Watch for the long ball
In-game, you say the Custom Phrase and the overlay displays the action(s) you’ve just called. If
you do not set one of the choices, then the overlay displays None.
With camera commands, you can change camera angles via voice command. Say “Change
camera,” and then one of the camera names to make the change:
` Camera (this command plus a camera name changes the camera angle)
` Change Camera (this command plus a camera name change the camera angle)
` Tele
` Tele broadcast
` Broadcast
` Pro
` Coop
` Dynamic
` End to end