Tou rnam ent s
Cr eat e Tou rnam ent
Tou rnam ent s
The crowning glory of reaching the top of a tournament reigns in the anticipation and
excitement of both players and football fans alike.
gives players over 50 tournaments
to choose from. Choose the country and the specifi c tournament you’d like to compete in, and
then decide which team(s) you’d like to control in the fi ght for supremacy.
Cr eat e Tou rnam ent
Create your very own tournament! Choose from LEAGUE, KNOCKOUT, or GROUP &
KNOCKOUT, and then set the number of teams and whether or not you’d like to choose each
competing team yourself or have them fi lled in automatically. Once you’re happy with all of the
settings, save your tournament and then see if you can come out a winner.
NOTE: For even more control over your tournament settings, toggle Advanced Settings ON. You
are then taken to the Advanced Settings screen after accepting the basic setup. Here, you can
fi ne tune tournament rules and set parameters for the Auto Fill function.