Instant analysis of incoming projectiles allows the Nanosuit to pinpoint the location of any
enemy that scores a hit, allowing you to retaliate accurately. Stay alert for a red arc and arrow
in the HUD, indicating the direction of attacking fire.
The Nanosuit’s Tactical Visor is essential for scouting out areas for enemy units before
engaging them. Press to use the visor, and toggle zoom depth with
. Once anything is
scanned, the Nanosuit feeds any important information on the object from its satellite uplink.
Use the Tactical Visor to tag enemy units and ammo caches so they appear on the HUD and
Navigation Panel. To tag a unit, center it on screen with the Visor active and the Nanosuit will
automatically tag it.
Once a unit has been tagged, the Threat Icon Designator, which appears as a hollow triangle
over the unit, fills with a color. Green indicates the unit has not spotted you. Orange units are
aware of your presence and are on alert, but are unaware of your location. Red units can see
you and are poised to attack.
When you lower the Visor, the Threat Icon Designator remains so you can track the unit.
Tagged units will remain visible on the HUD within a range of 100 meters, or until they
are dispatched.
The Nanosuit’s complex algorithms can decrypt even the most secure systems. To hack an
encrypted system, target the device and press
to attempt to crack the code’s wavelength.
As the icon moves along the wavelength, press
to match it until all the sequences are
complete. Hacking can be augmented with Nanosuit upgrades.
Hacking is not limited to security panels, but also provides a way to disable mines and
temporarily gain control over enemy auto-turrets. The Tactical Visor also provides the ability
to hack encrypted systems from a distance, provided that line of sight is maintained with
the target.
The Nanosuit can be quickly augmented to adapt to any combat situation, but all functions
require energy. During combat, the suit’s energy can be temporarily channeled to boost a
number of the Nanosuit’s abilities. Each function slowly drains the suit’s energy over time, but
the Nanosuit will automatically recharge energy when suit functions are inactive. Learn to use
these augmentations during battle conditions to survive.
The Navigation Panel monitors and analyzes the environment, giving you real-time tactical
feedback on your surroundings. The yellow arrowhead marks your position and heading, while
blue dots indicate primary objective points to follow. Green arrowheads indicate an enemy unit.
Pay attention to the Navigation Panel to view your surroundings and assess your threat level,
and use the tactical information to complete objectives.
As Prophet proceeds through a mission, secondary objectives may be relayed to his Nanosuit.
After receiving a secondary objective, a yellow dot appears on the Navigation Panel and
indicates where the objective is located. Unlike primary objectives, secondary objectives are
optional and are not integral to the mission. Take these challenging detours to reward Prophet
with more intel, weapons, and more.
The Threat Gauge to the right of the Navigation Panel displays your current threat level. The
meter increases and changes color depending on your level of detection.
Green Enemy units are unaware of your presence.
Orange Enemies are on a high state of alert and will investigate the slightest
Red Enemy units have line of sight on you. Take cover and use your Nanosuit
abilities to lower the alert status.
Basic map
of the
Threat Level—the meter
changes from green to
orange to red as your
detection level increases.
Enemy locations—enemy icons
will change from green to orange
to red as they become more
aware of your location.