Make man marking assignments to prepare a strong defense. You might guard several of the
opposition’s powerhouse scorers or keep one fast winger in check.
To ensure a smart marking match, highlight one of your players followed by a player on the
opposing team, and then press the
N button to compare the two players’ attributes. Make
sure your player has the stats to keep up with his mark!
Instant Replay lets you save the most memorable moments of a match to relive the excitement
whenever you want. During a big moment, press the F button when prompted onscreen to
save an Instant Replay. You can then edit your replay’s camera target, angle, and zoom before
saving or uploading the highlight to watch again anytime you want to relive the thrill of that
epic game moment. You can save up to 50 highlights to the Replay Theatre.
Press the START button at any time during a match to access the Pause menu.
Resume Resume your current match where you left off.
Instant Replay Use the Instant Replay Tool to edit highlights from your current match
and save them to the Replay Theatre for viewing later.
Match Facts Review the score and stats from your current match, including Goals,
Shots on Target, Possession percentage, Offsides, Injuries, and more.
Move the right stick to scroll and select PLAYER PERFORMANCE to
view detailed stats for each player or PLAYER RATINGS to see an
overview of players’ performances and their positions for the
current match.
Settings Adjust game settings, controller settings, and video calibration; view
the current teams playing to select sides; and review basic controls,
celebrations controls, and skill moves.
End Match End your current match and return to the main menu, or select
RESTART MATCH to start the match over from the beginning. Both
options will forfeit all progress from your current match.
Team Management Change your squad composition, adjust your team’s formation,
customise your team’s play style, assign tactics to your controller,
change the captain and set piece takers, and make man marking