Reference Manual
00809-0100-4102, Rev AA
Appendix A: Reference Data
May 2013
Specifications and Reference Data
Transmitter Calibration Certification
Standard Standard
Q4 Calibration Certificate for Transmitter ★
Product Certifications
Standard Standard
I1 ATEX Intrinsic Safety ★
I2 INMETRO Intrinsic Safety ★
I3 China Intrinsic Safety ★
I4 TIIS Intrinsic Safety ★
I5 FM Intrinsically Safe, Division 2 ★
I6 CSA Intrinsic Safety ★
I7 IECEx Intrinsic Safety ★
Sensor Fill Fluid and O-ring Options
Standard Standard
L2 Graphite-Filled (PTFE) O-ring ★
Display and Interface Options
Standard Standard
M5 LCD Display ★
Hardware Adjustments
Standard Standard
DZ Digital Zero Sensor Trim Configuration Button ★
Typical Model Number: 2051CFP D S 010 W1 S 0500 D3 2 X P 1 WA3 WP5 I7 M5 DZ
(1) To improve pipe perpendicularity for gasket sealing, socket diameter is smaller than standard pipe O.D.
(2) Thermowell Material is the same as the body material.
(3) Does not apply to Process Connection codes T1 and S1.
(4) Not available for bore sizes 0010, 0014, 0020, 0034, 0066, or 0109.
(5) Not available with DIN Process Connection codes D1, D2, or D3.
(6) Materials of Construction comply with metallurgical requirements within NACE MR0175/ISO for sour oil field production environments. Environmental limits apply to
certain materials. Consult latest standard for details. Selected materials also conform to NACE MR0103 for sour refining environments.
Table A-11. Rosemount 2051CFP Integral Orifice Flowmeter Ordering Information
★ The Standard offering represents the most common options. The starred options (★) should be selected for best delivery.
__The Expanded offering is subject to additional delivery lead time.