
525 Programmable Motion Controller
Figure 1 Fault Input Setup (Fault 9)
The cursor is then located on the polarity of either Input. Use the UP/DOWN arrows
to position the cursor on the desired input to be changed. Use the LEFT/RIGHT
arrows to toggle the polarity to "+" and "-". Once the desired polarity is shown, enter
a carriage return to enter the polarity.
Figure 2 Fault Input Setup (Fault 11)
System Calibration
The System Calibration feature allows you to setup the calibration and loop gain of
the 520 PMC/external drive combination to maximize system performance. Enter
the Calibrate Velocity (maximum drive velocity) and the Calibrate Velocity
Command Voltage (command voltage required to produce maximum velocity). With
these two parametersyou, the 520 PMC calculates the proper command voltage
needed to produce the desired motion profile. The Encoder Lines Per Revolution is
currently fixed at 1024.
You can jog the motor at various velocities through the Calibrate Jog Velocity
selection. By monitoring the Following Error when jogging at various velocities, you
can "fine tune" the system so a perfect match between the 520 and the external
drive is achieved. "Fine tuning" may consist of slightly altering the Calibrate
Velocity or Calibrate Velocity Command Voltage on the 520 or by altering the
command scaling or the offset adjustments on the external drive.
In addition, pre-programmed indexes may be executed to allow monitoring and
adjustment of Position Loop Gain. Position Loop Gain should be set as low as
possible to permit satisfactory operation while not creating an instability in the
system. In some circumstances, modification of the external drive may be required
to allow for proper operation.
Lastly, the Position Loop Gain Adjustment Range is setup. This parameter limits
the amount of Loop Gain adjustment from the UP/DOWN switch located on the
front of the 520 PMC. By setting this parameter to 0%, the UP/DOWN switch has
no effect on Position Loop Gain. By setting this parameter to 100%, the UP/DOWN
switch has full Position Loop Gain adjustment capabilities.