Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section C: Menus and Parameters
June 2014
Appendix C: Menus and Parameters
(MONITOR) DIAGNOSTICS I/P Status D835 Digital Input status - - - - 61, 115
Current I/P D840 Current Input mA - - - 43, 115
mA Input % D842 Current Input % % - - - 43, 115
CU Temperature D844 Temperature of Control Unit C- --82, 115
Next Pump down D845 Time to next pump-down hh:mm - - - 85, 115
Free memory D846 Logging memory free
%- --64, 115
Date of Change D848 Date of last change ddmmyy --/--/-- - - 115
1st Pwr Date D849 Data of 1st power-on ddmmyy --/--/-- - - 116
Ch1 Output D851 Channel 1 Output As P201 - - - 44, 48, 116
Ch2 Output D852 Channel 2 Output As P202 - - - 50,116
Pump effy RL1 D861 Pump efficiency RL1 % - - - 89, 116
Pump effy RL2 D862 Pump efficiency RL2 % - - - 89, 116
Pump effy RL3 D863 Pump efficiency RL3 % - - - 89, 116
Pump effy RL4 D864 Pump efficiency RL4 % - - - 89, 116
ADVANCED Pxx - - - - - - 136
Dxx - - - - - - 136
(1) Selecting SETUP menu presents a SELECT INSTRUMENT screen if a HART transmitter is assigned to a Current Input channel. Select CONTROL UNIT tag to see Menu Level 2 options.
(2) The pump efficiency calculation is available on the Mobrey MCU901 and MCU902 - see “Pump Efficiency alarm (Mobrey MCU901 and MCU902 only)” on page 89.
(3) Relay override features are available on the Mobrey MCU901 and MCU902 - see “Set-up the relays” on page 69.
(4) There is one totalizer on the Mobrey MCU901. There are two totalizers on the Mobrey MCU902 and MCU90F.
(5) The “Totalizer 2” display option is available on the Mobrey MCU90F only - see “Set-up totalizing on the Mobrey MCU90F control unit” on page 99.
(6) Data logging is available on the Mobrey MCU90F only - see “Data logging on the Mobrey MCU90F” on page 64.
(7) Factory default is “Log download” on the Mobrey MCU90F and is “RS232 HART” on the Mobrey MCU901 and MCU902.
(8) Factory default is “1200” for the Mobrey MCU90F, and “9600” for the Mobrey MCU901 and MCU902.
(9) The second channel output is on the Mobrey MCU902 only.
(10) Relay 5 does not support the pump efficiency calculation.
MAIN MENU Menu Level 2 Menu Level 3 Menu Level 4
Parameter Name Units
Min Max