MITX-430/MITX-440-DVI-2E Installation and Use Guide (6806800K37B)
103 OEM-Reserved Status Code Ranges
0x05 System is entering S5 sleep state.
0x10 System is waking up from the S1 sleep state.
0x20 System is waking up from the S2 sleep state.
0x30 System is waking up from the S3 sleep state.
0x40 System is waking up from the S4 sleep state.
0xAC System has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in PIC
0xAA System has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in APIC.
Table 5-38 ASL Status Codes (continued)
Status Code Description
Table 5-39 OEM-Reserved Status Code Ranges
Status Code Description
0x5 OEM SEC initialization before microcode loading.
0xA OEM SEC initialization after microcode loading.
0x1D - 0x2A OEM pre-memory initialization codes.
0x3F - 0x4E OEM PEI post memory initialization codes.
0x80 - 0x8F OEM DXE initialization codes.
0xC0 - 0xCF OEM BDS initialization codes.