Read/Write Packet
space-to-end-of-recorded-media, or write command. To read, the controller
must be at BOT or following a space-blocks, space-filemarks, or read
The command control field gives the user the ability to read forward or reverse
(if supported by drive) and the ability to suppress illegal length indication (if
supported by drive).
For scatter/gather operation, a non-zero value in the scatter/gather count
indicates the memory and scatter/gather address field is the address of the
scatter/gather table. The number of sectors field must be filled in and is also
used to calculate the total byte count.
The details of a read/write packet are shown below.
New Packet
Even Byte \
Odd Byte \
FC B8 74 30
+$00 Controller LUN Device LUN
+$02 Status Byte 0 Status Byte 1 (Note 1)
+$04 Memory Address (MSW) (Note 2)
+$06 Memory Address (LSW) (Note 2)
+$08 Sector Number (MSW)
+$0A Sector Number (LSW)
+$0C Number of Sectors to Transfer (MSW)
+$0E Number of Sectors to Transfer (LSW)
+$10 Scatter/Gather Count
+$12 0000
+$14 Command Control Function Code (70, 74)
+$16 Interrupt Level Vector Number
+$18 Status Byte 2 Status Byte 3 (Note 1)